To get the very most out of your bike, decrease your risk of injury and increase your efficiency, your bike needs to be set up specifically to you. Timothy Tey is our bike-fitting physiotherapist who will help you with your ergonomic setup.
Just as no two people are the same, everyone has different injuries, strengths and weaknesses. So, your optimal bike set-up cannot be calculated with a formula. For example, someone with a long history of neck, shoulder and back pain may not be able to get into the same aerodynamic position on the bike as someone without any of these injuries.
As physiotherapists, we help treat your aches and pains and rehabilitate you from injury. This puts us in an ideal position to help you set up your bike and give you an unbiased opinion regarding any recommendations for shoes, cleats, saddles etc.
It is often easy to assume that the wrong saddle, pedals or cleats is causing your aches and pains. However, with our understanding of the body, we can work backwards to understand exactly how your bike may be contributing to your pain.
We will work to not only assess any shortcomings of your bike set-up but also uncover anything that may be ultimately hindering your performance.
Fee Schedule/Health Fund Codes:
Essential/Comprehensive Bike-fit (90min): $280/500/506
Bike-fit follow-up (60 min): $190/505